Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monster Jam!

A couple of weeks ago we took Dylan to see Monster Jam. It was seriously SOOO fun!! But I have to tell a funny story that happened when we were walking in. We were going into the ESA where the Malone and Stockton statues are and Dylan turns to us and says, "I know who Brigham Young is, he used to play for the Jazz." Umm... not quite, but we were busting up laughing! I love that little boy so much! So we go inside and the first thing Dylan sees is a monster truck hat with some cotton candy attached to it. Of course, we buy it for him. But the hat is the most adorable thing I've ever seen! Then we go get some Dippin Dots (a personal fav) and head to our seats. I told Ted when we sat down that I saw some ear plugs and maybe I should go get some for Dylan. I grabbed 3 pairs just in case. Completely thinking that I would not need them. Boy was I WRONG! It gets SO loud! Once the trucks came out it was a blast! The truck that won the whole thing was from Utah and actually flipped his truck on its side. It was so awesome! The whole way home Dylan was the announcer saying all of the trucks names. So cute! I love my little family!

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