Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Monday, March 12, 2012


So I try to keep my posts upbeat and fun.... However, this one will be a little different. But the point of this blog is to act in place of a journal. So might as well share my thoughts right? If you want to skip over this post and wait until the next one I wouldn't blame you at all. So as you know, when I got married I became an instant mom to the cutest 7 year old boy in the whole world. He makes me so happy and with Ted my life is complete. But having to share him and only get him some of the time it is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. The poor kid goes from one lifestyle to something completely different. I wish that he was always with us, and never had to go. This morning he crawled into bed with me and said, "I wish that it was just me, you, and daddy. No one else. Well, besides the judge so that he could tell me that I can live here forever." It just made my heart melt. I want nothing more than to have Dylan every second of every day. Some of you might not know, but we are in the middle of going to court to get more custody of Dylan and it is EXHAUSTING!! I am so ready for it to be over! We would love to have full custody of Dylan, but even a day more a week would be a complete success. We have already spent thousands of dollars and we haven't even gotten anywhere. It is so frustrating! We joke that we could have gone to Hawaii on our honeymoon with that money. But honestly, it is worth every penny to get more time with him. The hardest thing is when he cries because he does not want to go back to his moms house. Literally every day that he is with us he says he wants to live with us forever. So those of you that don't have to share your kids, consider yourselves extremely blessed. But that is all for my depressing post, but I want to look back on this day years down the road and remember how it felt and where I was at. I just hope that we get the outcome that we want. I love you Dylan, more than anything. Being your mommy has brought me such joy. Although I did not give birth to you, you are completely 100% my son and I would do anything to help you and keep you safe. I love you Dylly man!

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