Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Friday, February 6, 2015

First Year

Wow I've definitely slacked in the blogging department over the past year. I'm making it a goal to do better. Yesterday was Kaiden and Ethan's first birthday. I can't believe how fast this year has gone! We all survived! As I am writing this the boys birthday presents fill almost every part of our living room. They got completely spoiled! My heart is completely full and tears are filling my eyes. I'm so incredibly humbled that the Lord has entrusted me with these two precious miracles. I couldn't imagine a better calling, or job for my life. There are days where they try my patience and bedtime can't come soon enough. But then they look at me with those amazing blue eyes, and give the biggest smiles ever, and I melt. They are amazing individuals and have had to overcome so much in their short lives. I am proud of them, I'm proud to be their mom, and I couldn't imagine my life any different. 

You weigh 19 lbs 8 oz and you are the sweetest boy in the world! Your smile brightens up anyone's day. You love to eat pretty much anything. Right now you love goldfish crackers, bananas, animal crackers, baby puffs, and any baby food. You do not like peas at all. You love bath time and crawl into the bathroom every night. You have slept through the night like a champ for many months. Big brother is probably one of your favorite people. Everything he says you think is hilarious. You still have no teeth but your gums are so swollen and sore. Your favorite word is mama, especially when you are upset. You will walk along furniture and are starting to stand on your own. You love to play with door stoppers and think the noise is great. You have completely stollen my heart and I love you more than anything! Happy birthday pumpkin! 

You weigh 15 lbs 6 oz. But this is the first time you've ever been over 15 pounds. You are considerably smaller than your brother. But your attitude makes up for it. You have my personality and are a fiesty little boy. But ohh man you are hilarious and the sweetest boy in the world! You love any food besides pumpkin. Most of the time you want nothing to do with baby food and want people food. You love cereal, crackers, bananas, and Mac and cheese. Bath time is your favorite part of the day. You love water and anything that has to do with water. You still wake up once a night to eat. But as long as your bottle is full you will put yourself back to sleep. You love big brother and follow him everywhere. You do not like it when Kaiden cries, you absolutely freak out. You have 6 teeth. 4 on the bottom and 2 on top but they are not the middle ones, they are your k-9 so you look like a vampire. It's adorable! You walk along furniture and are starting to stand too. You think that door knobs are hilarious and you love to look at them. I love you more than anything!

Their party last night was great! They got absolutely spoiled and one of their primary care nurses, Ruby, came to see them. It was such a great surprise, she hadn't seen them since we came home. Kaiden LOVED his cake! He thought it was the greatest thing ever, and even put his own face in the cake. Ethan wasn't as interested. He didn't like all the loud noises. But they did so good! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Thank you babies for showing me a love that I never knew was possible. Happy birthday loves! Now time please slow down. 

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