Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Friday, November 22, 2013

17 Weeks

On Wednesday we went for my 17 week check-up. Things are looking really good. I love being able to hear the baby's heartbeat! I could seriously listen to it for hours! These past few weeks I have been feeling HUGE! My belly has definitely popped, and continues to grow! I asked my doctor if I was measuring big, and he said I am on the higher end of things. Haha, yeah that's a nice way to say, "Yep, your huge!" Having a preggo belly is still something I am getting used to. Sometimes I have to do a double take in the mirror. But I have had such an easy pregnancy so far, and I have much to be grateful for. We are finding out the gender of the baby on December 4th and I can't begin to describe how excited we are! I seriously can't wait! Some people think its a boy, some think its a girl. I am okay with either. I am now to the point that I just want to know the gender so the real shopping can begin :)

Mom loves you more than anything! I can't wait to start feeling you kick and move! Even though my belly has started getting a few stretch marks (yes, I had a little breakdown over it lol) you are completely worth it! You are loved by so many people, and we all can't wait to meet you! Thank you for choosing us to be your family. Thank you for choosing me to be your mommy! I love you baby!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

13 & 14 Weeks

At 13 1/2 weeks we went to the doctor and got to hear the heartbeat really good. That is the most amazing sound in the world! I listen to the recording a few times every day just to hear that sweet sound! Last time at the doctor we could only hear it for about 2 seconds, and Dylan didn't hear it. This time, Dylan proudly announced, "I heard it that time!" He is going to be such a good big brother and loves on my belly all the time. We went maternity shopping for me, and Dylan was so cute! He was so excited to pick out new clothes for me. He found a shirt for me, and he was so excited for me to try it on. He loved it, and wanted me to wear it right then and there. He now refers to the shirt as "my shirt." He is so cute and I am grateful to have him in my life!

14 weeks my belly POPPED! I feel like it came out of nowhere and just BAM baby belly! Between Ted, Dylan, and my mom my belly has its fair share of love. But I'm okay with that! Luckily I am still feeling pretty good! Lately my hips have been hurting at night, and that's been no fun. But hopefully that is only temporary :) We will find out the sex of the baby the first week of December, and I can't wait! We love you baby!

Now here's a pic of the bump- I feel HUGE!