Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Announcing BABY ROCKWELL!!

Yes.... That's right, Baby Rockwell is due April 2014! We couldn't be more excited about the new addition to our family! After trying to get pregnant for almost a year, it is such a blessing to finally be pregnant!

The story.....

I had pretty much given up all hope of getting pregnant. I was so discouraged and couldn't stand any more "negative" pregnancy tests. Yes, I was one of those people that took a test every month, hoping, just hoping, to be pregnant. Every time that stupid stick would say "not pregnant" I would cry. Why do I do this to myself?!? Well August 24th comes around. I am a day late, and I wake up when Ted leaves for work. I don't know why, but I had the thought, "Hmm why not see?" So I go pee on the stick and it instantly shows positive! WHAT?!? I couldn't believe my eyes! I call Ted (he'd already left) freaking out! I had to pee on another stick just to make sure (with Ted on the phone of course :P) and it was positive again! Tears of joy! I couldn't believe it, FINALLY!

We are currently 12 Weeks and 3 days! I have had a relatively easy pregnancy so far. I have thrown up a few times, and am always tired. But compared to others, I cant complain. At our 9 week appointment, we heard the heartbeat for about 2 seconds. It was so sweet, but I cant wait to hear it for longer. We have an appointment on the 23rd and they said we will be able to hear it much better then.

So far I haven't had any weird cravings, more like random ones. So far I have wanted McDonalds pancakes (at like 9 PM). It was so cute, Ted said that he would wait up until midnight to get them for me if I wanted. He's such a good hubby! I've craved Taco Bell nachos (yep just the chips and cheese), chewy spree, chocolate milk, and caramel popcorn. Yeah, all these things are not healthy at all. But oh well :)

We don't have a preference on the gender. Just a healthy baby will do :) Dylan is convinced it is a girl, even though he really wants a brother. I have had dreams about a baby girl. But we will see. Either way the little one is loved and adored by many.

My goal is to track my progress every week or two so that I remember these moments in the future.

Baby Rockwell, we love you and are so happy that you decided to join our family!


I have been such a slacker when it comes to writing on the blog, I can't believe my last post was about a year ago. My goal is to start writing more frequently. There's some exciting news in the Rockwell house (next post) and things have been going really well. Dylan is in 4th grade, and I cant believe how big he is! He is the funniest kid around, and we love every bit of him! Here are some pics over the past year.....
 M&M World in Vegas
 Visiting Nana & Papa in Colorado
 Mining in Colorado
 Fathers Day 2013
 Family Pics 2013
Such a stud!