Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Monday, September 24, 2012


We FINALLY have a court date! It is set for October 12th at 10 AM. Words cannot describe how happy I am that we are finally going to be in court for more custody of Dylan. It has been an extremely long and drawn out process. Sad thing is, this is just the beginning. We are filing for temporary orders to be in place, until we can have the child custody evaluation done. The catch- it takes 2-3 months to complete the evaluation and we haven't even started yet. We are hoping to have custody of him starting the 12th, and have it be that way after the evalutation. It is so sad to see the effects that this is having on Dylan. Last night he just keep saying, "I hate when I have to leave." It breaks my heart every time! We are extremely hopeful that things will go well in a few weeks. We just have to keep postitive and know that the Lord has a plan for Dylan. We got our family pictures back and man am I one lucky lady! I have two handsome men in my life! Enjoy  :)

 This was Dylan's pose idea- he just jumpred right in my arms lol!
 The boys- serious faces- I love Dylans lol

 Love these two more than anything!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

One for the memory bank :)

We were doing homework with Dylan yesterday and he finally decided that he wanted to tell me about his girlfriend from school. He told Ted last week, but swore Ted to secrecy about the subject. But lets face it- moms know everything. But I went along as if I didn't know anything. So yesterday he finally decides to tell me that he is madly in love with a little girl named Tiffany. He then proceeded to tell me, "I chase her. She chases me. It's complicated." Ohh my goodness did Ted and I BUST UP laughing! Where does he come up with these things?!?! Ohh boy he is a funny kiddo! This morning he and I just snuggled for a few minutes before he got ready for school. I am so lucky to be his mom! He is such a blessing in so many ways! Love my little family!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lagoon :)

Ted's work party is always at Lagoon. We decided that we would go this year, and I am so glad that we did! It was a lot of fun! I packed my camera- but being a total dummy- I didn't have the SD card in it. Yeah, I wasn't too happy. But ohh well- what can ya do right? Questar had a whole bunch of games set up for kids to play. It was great because Dylan got to play games, and we didn't have to pay $2 for him to lose lol. One of the activities they had was getting a temporary tattoo. Dylan decided that he wanted one after we decorated cookies. Ted's friend came and sat down next to us and began to tell Dylan that he got his tattoos last year at the company party and that they wouldn't come off. He said that if you start hearing a buzzing noise to run the other way. Dylan sat there with his mouth wide open, nodding in silence. He then turned to me, completely serious, and said, "Never mind." We all started busting up laughing!! We tried to explain to him that his tattoos were real, but he wasn't having any part of it lol. We are trying to get Dylan to go on the "big kid" rides. All of the roller coaster rides we went on, he hated. We then went on a spinning ride together (Ted gets way sick on spinning rides). During the middle of the right Dylan said, "My mouth is tingling." The wind was blowing in his mouth so he thought it was awesome! He is seriously such a funny kid! Afterwards we went to an ice-cream shop to get some shakes. Dylan then proceeded to say that if you were born in 1982 that was in "the olden days." We seriously busted up laughing!! Aww the perspective of an 8 year old! I love that little boy more than anything in the whole world! He is so fun! I do not know what life was like without him! He has such an amazing little spirit! He blesses our lives every day! His daddy is also quite the catch! I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband! We are truly blessed!