Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Funnies I Want to Remember

This post is mainly going to be about funny things that I dont want to forget.

* One day Ted, Dylan, and I were taking a nap. Dylan always has to be right in my face when he sleeps. All of a sudden he says, "Megan, you might want to get out of the bed." I tell him that I'm fine and that he needs to go to sleep. He then repeats, "No really, you might want to get out." Right then my son farts- and I mean FARTS! I couldn't help but start busting up laughing! It was seriously the funnies thing ever! Aww gotta love boys!!

* Our dog Misty ate 15 funfetti cupcakes- wrapper and all!

* Dylan just got out of the shower and was putting his clothes on and Misty came and put her nose on his bum. He freaked! It was hilarious!!

* This week for Dylan's spelling words Ted and I were making them into funny sentences. One of the words was shake and Dylan pipes up, "Shake your booty!" Bahaha silly little boy!

* Ted and I try to act like we are still in high school and can stay up past midnight. Last night both of us were extremely tired, but we didnt go to sleep until after midnight. We kept talking about the most random things. Then we starting speaking to each other in spanish (with the minimal spanish we know). Then Ted went on a tangent to tell me all the words he knew in different languages. Ted told me that he met someone from every country on his mission (Australia). So I start naming every possible country I could think of, and yep he met someone from there. I finally thought I'd stumped him with Antarctica, but we then decided that people don't really live there. That people travel there on boats. Yeah.... lets just say it was a very funny and entertaining night for the Rockwell's

Those are just a few of the funny things that are happening around here lately :)

Dylan is at the most adorable age! Every where we go he always says, "I want Mommy Megan." I always get the pleasure of holding his hand! I love when he wants to snuggle! He wraps my arms around him in every way possible! Sometimes he just needs his mommy to hold him :) The nicknames that he has given me are M&M for Mommy and Megan :) I love that little boy more than anything! I am so lucky to be his mommy!

UTI.... Could be TMI

Im sorry if this post is WAY too personal. But it is an experience that I get to brag about my awesome hubby! But no offense will be taken if you choose not to read this. So early Saturday morning I had this urge that I needed to pee. It was about 3:30 and thats the last thing I wanted to do. I finally decided to just go. And MAN did it HURT! I tried to convince myself that everything was okay and that I was fine. Sure enough, a few minutes later I felt that I had to go again. Same story, PAIN! Then my awesome hubby got up and started googling about urinary tract infections. He went to the store and got cranberry juice and cranberry pills. They helped a ton! I was finally able to go to sleep. Ted was so awesome and stayed up after me to make sure I was asleep. I have such a great husband! I am so lucky to have him!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Years Resolution

Ted and I were talking about what we wanted to do for our New Years resolution. This year in Sunday School we are talking about the Book of Mormon. We decided that as a couple, we wanted to read the entire book by the end of 2012. Ted and I have both read the book several times. But we thought it would be something great to do as a couple. Every night before bed, we get out our scriptures and take turns reading. It is one of my favorite parts of the day. I love being able to discuss topics with him, and gain further insight. Ted has such a great testimony of the gospel, and that is one of the many reasons why I love him. We are excited to read the book throughout the year and continue to learn new things about the gospel. We are so blessed to have the knowledge of the gospel in our lives. If you would like a free copy of the Book of Mormon go to the gospel has blessed our lives in so many ways, and it can for you too.


This year we were able to have Dylan for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and ohh was it SOOO much fun! I loved being able to have Christmas in our house for our first year as a family. It was great! Christmas with kids is so much fun! Dylan got absolutely SPOILED and had the whole couch covered in gifts for him. Dylan is a great kid and deserves to be spoiled (every now and then lol). Ted and I got each other a computer for Christmas, as this was something we needed for our new house. We got each other a few things, but mostly got Dylan things. I am an avid coupon shopper and did not pay full price for a single item that was purchased for Christmas. I was all done shopping by October, and Ted and to put a ban on me from purchasing anything else. I loved being able to get gifts for my family, and pay a lot less than retail cost :) I love my little family more than anything in the whole world! I am so blessed to have them! Im so grateful for the Savior and his sacrifice that I can live with my family for eternity, there is no greater gift than that!

 Literally the whole couch was Dylan's presents

 I love that little boy so much!

 Dylan and Misty on our first Christmas

 Misty always sits very lady like

 I love my son's cheesy-smile (and you will see it in almost every picture lol)

 And I wonder where he gets it from lol

 My whole world <3
My little Darth Vader

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We stayed at Snowbird for our honeymoon and it was AMAZING! It was a total week of bliss! We were able to stay there for an entire week, and it ended too soon! Some funny things I want to remember: The first night when we went to brush our teeth- I accidentally  used Ted's toothbrush. Oops! But we had a very good laugh about it! The second night we were there, Ted was woken up by a cannon going off. Needless to say it scared him, but we later found out they do that for avalanche control. We went to a lounge for dinner, and they had to ID us because, "you look a little young." Ted was so proud to be ID'd, it made him feel young! One of the nights we went to a delicious steak house for dinner, and man did it cost a pretty penny! But it was DELICIOUS! Ted and I were completely lazy the entire week and loved every minute of it! Here are a few pics that we took

Ted with the toothbrush I used LOL