Rockwell Family

Rockwell Family

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I saved my last post when things became a little crazy. Ted was out of town for work, and my body decided to get sick. I felt like someone was stabbing me in the back. I also had severe abdomen pain. The pain was so bad that I was almost in tears. This started about 10 PM and I waited until 9 AM to go to the Urgent Care Doctor. He pushed on my stomach, took some tests, and told me that he was fairly confident that I have a problem with my gall bladder. He strongly recommended to go to the ER. Well, I didn't like this idea so much. When I called my mom and told her what he said, she said I needed to go to the ER (I may be 23 years old, but I still listen to my mom sometimes). I went into the ER and they did some blood work and did an ultrasound. I had no idea what they were looking at. But when the ultrasound tech left the room she said, "Well, good luck to you." I turned to my sister in law and said, "What does that mean?!?" I knew something was wrong when she said that. The Doctor came in and told me that my gall bladder had stones in it. The reason why I was in so much pain was because a stone was passing. She said that they will have to remove my gall bladder, and that I need to meet with the surgeon in the morning. Ted (being the loving husband he is) drove home as soon as I got word that I would have to have surgery. We met with the surgeon and he showed us the ultrasound. I didn't know what to expect, but you could see all these rocks in my gall bladder. You are not supposed to have any stones at all. It looked like it was 3/4 full of stones. I went into surgery the next day. They had to do 4 different incisions, and took my gall bladder out through the cut in my belly button. In the recovery room they showed Ted, my mom, and I (although I don't remember it) my gall bladder. The surgeon said it was literally full of gall stones. He was shocked at how many there were. He said I was way young to have these types of problems. Surgery went really well though. We went to my parents and stayed almost a week because they have a recliner (which was so much better than laying down flat). Ted and my mom took such good care of me! I am so lucky to have them! I went in for my check up and the incisions are healing well. This experience made me so grateful to have such a loving family! I don't know what I would do without them! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I can't wait to spend it with my family! I am one lucky girl!

This is a Willow Tree that Dylan got for me. It says Mother and son celebrating the bond of life between mothers and sons. I absolutely love it! He also got me flowers and a stuffed puppy. I got flowers from my sister in laws and in laws. They were all so pretty!

Happenings :)

Life has been pretty crazy around the Rockwell house! We are getting ready for Halloween coming up in a few days. Dylan chose to be a ninja for Halloween (even though he was a ninja last year) He is very excited! Holidays are always so much more fun with kids! An update on Misty- we went to the vet and she has to have her cast on for 3 more weeks! Poor thing! She absolutely hates having to have the cone on, but I am not going to pay for her cast to be replaced again. So cone it is :) Luckily she only has to wear it when we are gone. I have been crazy busy trying to organize a Women's Expo that is coming up on the 10th. Luckily things have come together pretty smoothly. I was finishing this when.....

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Week from HELL

The title says it all! This week has been a week from hell! On Wednesday night we went up to my parents house for dinner. Ted gets home first, calls me up and tells me that Misty hurt her leg. I get home, assuming that its no big deal. But I take one look at her back leg and I know something is not right. We then called all the vets in Tooele to see if anyone would come in to see her (Its around 8 PM). No one answered, so I called a 24 hour animal hospital in Salt Lake. Ted had to stay home with Dylan to get him ready for bed. I drive Misty in to the hospital. We get there and have to wait about 30 minutes for the doctor to come in to see us. He takes one look at her and says that its broken, he's just not sure how many bones she broke. He then proceeded to tell me that it would be $75 for the visit then $230 for one x-ray and more if they needed more than one image. I start freaking out, but tell them to go ahead. He shows me the x-rays and I immediately could see broken bones, and not just one, MANY! He then tells me that she will have to have surgery. I just start bawling! He told me how much the surgery would cost- then start bawling even more! I call Ted and I am a total wreck! Poor Ted, not only did he have me bawling, but Dylan crying too. The doctor said she would either have to have the surgery, or probably be put down because without surgery she would be a three-legged dog with no quality of life. Having the amazing and loving husband that I do, he said to go ahead with the surgery. She stayed overnight and then had surgery the next morning. After the surgery was complete the doctor said that she broke it more than he originally expected He said it was like a jigsaw puzzle, that bone fragments were everywhere. But he said that he is confident in his work, and that its as close to perfect as he could get it. I was able to go in and visit her for a few hours. She was able to come Friday. We were doing great.... until today.... I had to go into work and I was gone about a hour. I come home to find that she chewed off her cast. Stupid dog! So then I had to drive her back to the vet and get it re-casted. Ohh what's money right? Lets just pull it off our money tree growing in the back yard. Some people might say- shes just a dog. But she isn't, so is OUR dog. She is a part of my family in every way. It was so lonely to not have her here those few days. So now she has a cone to keep her from chewing it. At least I get some comic relief from her with the cone. She runs into everything and gets stuck quite often. I find it hilarious! Hopefully all goes well and no more emergency visits to the vet. Here are pictures of her x-rays, crazy stuff!

 This is her leg broken. The two middle bones were broken in 4 different places each
 Here is her leg with the pins in- the doctor did a great job!
And there's the cone- she hates it lol

Monday, September 24, 2012


We FINALLY have a court date! It is set for October 12th at 10 AM. Words cannot describe how happy I am that we are finally going to be in court for more custody of Dylan. It has been an extremely long and drawn out process. Sad thing is, this is just the beginning. We are filing for temporary orders to be in place, until we can have the child custody evaluation done. The catch- it takes 2-3 months to complete the evaluation and we haven't even started yet. We are hoping to have custody of him starting the 12th, and have it be that way after the evalutation. It is so sad to see the effects that this is having on Dylan. Last night he just keep saying, "I hate when I have to leave." It breaks my heart every time! We are extremely hopeful that things will go well in a few weeks. We just have to keep postitive and know that the Lord has a plan for Dylan. We got our family pictures back and man am I one lucky lady! I have two handsome men in my life! Enjoy  :)

 This was Dylan's pose idea- he just jumpred right in my arms lol!
 The boys- serious faces- I love Dylans lol

 Love these two more than anything!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

One for the memory bank :)

We were doing homework with Dylan yesterday and he finally decided that he wanted to tell me about his girlfriend from school. He told Ted last week, but swore Ted to secrecy about the subject. But lets face it- moms know everything. But I went along as if I didn't know anything. So yesterday he finally decides to tell me that he is madly in love with a little girl named Tiffany. He then proceeded to tell me, "I chase her. She chases me. It's complicated." Ohh my goodness did Ted and I BUST UP laughing! Where does he come up with these things?!?! Ohh boy he is a funny kiddo! This morning he and I just snuggled for a few minutes before he got ready for school. I am so lucky to be his mom! He is such a blessing in so many ways! Love my little family!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lagoon :)

Ted's work party is always at Lagoon. We decided that we would go this year, and I am so glad that we did! It was a lot of fun! I packed my camera- but being a total dummy- I didn't have the SD card in it. Yeah, I wasn't too happy. But ohh well- what can ya do right? Questar had a whole bunch of games set up for kids to play. It was great because Dylan got to play games, and we didn't have to pay $2 for him to lose lol. One of the activities they had was getting a temporary tattoo. Dylan decided that he wanted one after we decorated cookies. Ted's friend came and sat down next to us and began to tell Dylan that he got his tattoos last year at the company party and that they wouldn't come off. He said that if you start hearing a buzzing noise to run the other way. Dylan sat there with his mouth wide open, nodding in silence. He then turned to me, completely serious, and said, "Never mind." We all started busting up laughing!! We tried to explain to him that his tattoos were real, but he wasn't having any part of it lol. We are trying to get Dylan to go on the "big kid" rides. All of the roller coaster rides we went on, he hated. We then went on a spinning ride together (Ted gets way sick on spinning rides). During the middle of the right Dylan said, "My mouth is tingling." The wind was blowing in his mouth so he thought it was awesome! He is seriously such a funny kid! Afterwards we went to an ice-cream shop to get some shakes. Dylan then proceeded to say that if you were born in 1982 that was in "the olden days." We seriously busted up laughing!! Aww the perspective of an 8 year old! I love that little boy more than anything in the whole world! He is so fun! I do not know what life was like without him! He has such an amazing little spirit! He blesses our lives every day! His daddy is also quite the catch! I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband! We are truly blessed!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Family Pictures

This weekend we went and took family pictures with my entire side of the family. It was fun to get updated pictures of the entire family. During the photo shoot Dylan was HILARIOUS! I mean- seriously funny! I almost peed my pants laughing so hard! He is such a good little boy! He brings such light and joy into our lives! I couldn't imagine a single second without him in my life! Last night after we put him to bed we could hear him just sobbing. We went into his room to see what was wrong. This sometimes happens because he misses his Nana who passed away this year. But nope, not it. He said it starts with a L and ends in ing. So of course, Ted and I start guessing away: loving, leaping, laughing, licking, on and on... but we couldn't guess it. He finally told us that he's sad because he hates leaving. Completely broke my heart into 10 million bazillion pieces! What do you say to that? We are still in the court process (long doesn't begin to cover it). We just tell him that we are doing everything we can to get more time with him. Then today when I dropped him off at school he started crying and wouldn't leave. He kept saying that he didn't want to go :( breaks my heart! But on the good side, we went to meet with our lawyer today. Things are looking really good for us to get more custody of him. Lets just hope that things work out like we all want them to. I love my little family more than anything in the whole world! My life is not like I imagined it would be- its much better!

 My handsome boy going to school :)
 At family pictures- he LOVED this lion. He took several pictures sitting on him lol
We took pictures at the International Peace Gardens in Salt Lake. They had all different countries and the entire time Dylan wanted to find where USA was. Finally at the end we found USA- we just HAD to take a picture! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Exciting Times :)

There are lots and lots of exciting things going on in the Rockwell house. Dylan has started 3rd grade- I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He started a new school and hopefully will make some great friends! Ted has been working a ton! He has had to go out of town a lot the past month, and it's looking like it will continue next month too. And..... last but not least..... we have officially started trying to have a baby :) Just typing those words brings a HUGE smile to my face!! Several people have asked me if we are pregnant/trying due to all the posts/pics with baby stuff. I am so excited to be able to tell them yes! Dylan is beyond excited!! He wants us to have a boy, but then said he will love his sister if its a girl. I honestly don't care what we have. I think a boy would be awesome for Dylan to have a little brother. But then a girl would be awesome because she would be daddy's girl, and has 2 cousins that will be around her age. We don't care what we have as long as the baby is healthy! We have already started stocking up on baby things. We have diapers, wipes, and clothes started. We have gotten a lot of gender neutral things. Not going to lie- I have gotten some adorable girl clothes! They were on for a KILLER deal! They are SO SO SO cute! Little girl clothes are so fun to buy! We'll see what we have :) We have gotten a few team items, North Carolina Tar Heels onsie, U of U onsies, and we are going to get some Real (of course) items. I hope that it doesn't take too long for us to get pregnant. I was on birth control since I was 15 (not for sexually active purposes just FYI) so its been quite some time. My doctor said that most people it takes 2-3 months after stopping the pill to get pregnant. But he said that sometimes it happens instantly. So we will just see what happens. Ted keeps telling me to wait to take a test until I miss my period. But yeah.... patience is not one of my biggest traits (I have 0 patience in most things). I am really considering getting one of those tests that you can take 5 days before a missed period. I am trying to tell myself that we probably won't get pregnant for a few months. I do not want to get my hopes up and have them torn down. The odds of me crying if the test comes back negative is very high. But I know that we will have children, its all in the Lord's time. (I am writing this down so I can come back and read this if necessary lol). I love my little family more than anything! I am so excited to have a little one join us! Here are some pics (no blog is complete without pics)

 5 Carter's onsies I got for $2.99!! Heck yes!
We had to get this- my dad LOVED it! So fun!
 That smile always melts my heart!
 Love this little boy!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Vacation 2012

Our goal is to go on a vacation every year as a family. Even if it is somewhere close, we want to get out an experience things as a family. This year we decided to go to Denver, Colorado. As you all know, Ted is a HUGE Real Salt Lake fan. We decided it would be fun to go to my first away game and spend time in Denver. My sister in law and her daughter were able to come with us. We left on Monday afternoon, and arrived at 9:45 PM. Our hotel situation was a NIGHTMARE! I booked our hotel about 6 months ago. When we show up that night, they told me that they moved us to a sister hotel. I am thinking okay, it won't be bad. I'm sure it will be similar- WRONG! The hotel we went to was disgusting! The breakfast the next morning was gross, no pool, just not what I wanted. So that morning we checked out- I booked another hotel through Expedia. We checked in and it was even worse than the previous one! By this time I am almost in tears due to frustration. I called Expedia and told them my concerns. They were great and set us up in a nice hotel. So we changed hotels 4 times within 24 hours- but once we were settled in it was great!

Day 1 - We started off by going to the Denver Zoo. It was so much fun! We have a zoo membership here in Utah, but the Denver Zoo had lots of other fun animals! We got to feed some birds which was way fun! The zoo was great, but right at the end it began to DOWNPOUR! I am not just talking a little rain here- I mean puddles instantly. So we quickly ran to our car and headed to lunch. After lunch we went to the Aquarium. The Aquarium in Denver was so awesome! They had HUGE sharks- and I love sharks! I could sit in that room forever and watch them! The animals at this aquarium were much bigger than here in Salt Lake. We all loved seeing the different animals!

Day 2- We decided to go to the Butterfly Pavilion. This was such a fun place! I had never seen so many butterflies before! They were seriously everywhere! We also got to hold a tarantula named Rosie- Dylan was too chicken to hold her though. They also had a ton of bugs and insects to look at. The butterflies were definitely my favorite though! That night we went to the Children's Museum and the only way to describe it is FUN! This was one of my favorite places! The first thing we see is a firetruck and gear to go with it. Dylan in fire man gear = adorable! They also had a bubble room, train room, grocery store, rocket launch station, tap dancing, vet clinic, and kids room. It was so much fun to watch the kids experience all these new things!

Day 3- Eltich Gardens Six Flags. Seeing Dylan at the theme park was so much fun! He loved going on the kiddie rides. We made him go on some grown up rides- and he didn't like that so much lol! We went on a river rapids ride and got DRENCHED! I thought we would get a little wet, but nope- we got soaked from head to toe! After all the rides Dylan was able to build a bear. He choose to build a cat and named it Sporty. We decked him out in Utes football gear. This was a way fun activity to do as a family!

Day 4- We woke up and went on a tour of the Hammond's Candy factory. It was a lot of fun and we got some delicious candy out of it! That afternoon we decided it would be fun to go to a water park with the kids. Pirates Cove was fun, but it was PACKED! I am not someone that loves being around a ton of people, especially when I am trying to make sure that my son is okay and not drowning. But Dylan really liked being able to splash around. One thing that was a bit ridiculous was waiting in line for the lazy river. They only allow a certain amount of tubes in at a time. We waited in line for 45 minutes! Yes- 45 minutes to ride a lazy river! It took way too long for such a simple ride. But once we got in it was quite enjoyable. That night we went to an amusement park called Lakeside Amusement Park. It only opens at night and had that old school carnival feeling to it. The kids loved the kiddie rides. Ted and I were able to go on the Ferris Wheel together. We had Dylan try some rides that he didn't want to. I asked him if it was scary and he said, "Yes, but I am still smiling." I seriously busted up laughing- ohh that boy is funny! Bevany and I went on the go-karts racing. This 12 year old, fat (not to be rude) kid took this event WAY too seriously. He literally smashed into me to pass by. I just let him go and did not let my competitive side get the best of me lol. I loved this amusement park! I would have stayed there all night if I could have!

Day 5- We went to Manitua Springs to visit my father in law. This town was seriously adorable! Cute little shops lined the streets. They also had an arcade (which I love to do). It was cool- they had different streams flowing throughout the city that you could drink out of. As we were walking this guy told us that it was the best tasting stream. So, I decided to try it. Bad bad bad bad bad mistake! It was disgusting!! Needless to say I didn't try any other streams in town. That night we went to the Real Salt Lake game. Ohh boy was I not ready for what occurred there. I cannot believe how serious some people take the rivalry. I am all up for a good rivalry- I play into the BYU vs Utah. But people took this to a whole new level! A Colorado fan even took out a knife on a Real fan. I mean seriously? The best part was seeing the disgusting, old, fat (once again), guys sitting there talking crap to us. I mean really, your belly is hanging out of your shirt dude. Yuck! I can honestly say that I would be okay with never going to another game in Denver.

We woke up the next morning and drove home. We only had to stop 2 times and made it home by 7 PM. I was so glad to get home and sleep in my own bed! All and all it was a great trip! We were able to go on our first vacation as a family. There is no doubt that I am blessed! I look forward to the many trips to come! Here are some pics- enjoy! (Sorry the bottom pics are out of order- they are from Instagram)

The Zoo

 With the Zebras :)
 Downtown Aquarium

 Butterfly Pavillion

 Children's Museum

 Elitch Gardens

 Lakeside Amusement Park

 I won 156 tickets on my first try- no big deal :)